fun-a-day, day 19 major milestone achieved! i finally have emulation running accurately enough that i can use emacs -nw inside of determ without distracting graphical glitches! (one thing to note is that since determ doesn't currently support UTF-8 you may need to pass LANG=C to programs which might try to draw lots of unicode characters.) this comes after a lot of refactoring and a putative assembler bug that turned out to be an arithmetic error on my part (!). the last glitches were be around setting and unsetting the auto-wrap state (as i had expected -- wrapping is tricky). i also tried to map the SGR colors to reasonable determ colors, which helps since we're advertising TERM=ansi. there are definitely still glitches affecting some programs: - crawl: some cursor movement glitches - htop: after a reasonable initial draw lots of errors - mastodon.el: apparently emacs isn't 100% yet and i still thinking writing a terminfo entry will be the most reliable way to get accurate graphics in the long-run. despite all these caveats i'm still pumped! huzzah! back to funaday 2023 home